Monographs and Edited Volumes
- Powhatan's World and Colonial Virginia: A Conflict of Cultures. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1997; paperback edition issued 2000.
- Histories of Anthropology Annual. Edited with Regna Darnell. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Volume 1, 2005; v.2, 2006; v.3, forthcoming 2007.
- Celebrating a Century of the American Anthropological Association: Presidential Portraits. Edited with Regna Darnell. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press and the American Anthropological Association. 2002.
- Special Centennial Issue, American Anthropologist 104(2). Edited with Regna Darnell. 2002.
- Southern Indians and Anthropologists: Culture, Politics, and Identities. Edited with with Lisa J. Lefler. Proceedings of the Southern Anthropological Society 35. Athens: University of Georgia Press. 2002.
Shorter Works
Virginia Indians
- The Ritual World of Pocahontas. Natural History 115(9): 40-46. 2006.
- Pocahontas: An Exercise in Myth-making and Marketing. In New Perspectives on Native North America: Cultures, Histories, and Representations. Sergei Kan and Pauline Turner Strong, eds. Pp. 433-455. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 2006.
- Controlled Speculation and Constructed Myths: The Saga of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith. In Reading Beyond Words: Contexts for Native History, second edition. Jennifer S. H. Brown and Elizabeth Vibert, eds. Pp. 39-74. Peterborough: Broadview Press. 2003
- Pocahontas at the Fair: Crafting Identities at the 1907 Jamestown Exposition. Ethnohistory 50(3): 419-445. 2003.
- Powhatan Identity in Anthropology and Popular Culture (and Vice Versa). In Southern Indians and Anthropologists: Culture, Politics, and Identities. Lisa J. Lefler and Frederic W. Gleach, eds. Pp. 5-18. Athens: University of Georgia Press. 2002.
- Mimesis, Play, and Transformation in Powhatan Ritual. In Papers of the Twenty-sixth Algonquian Conference. David Pentland, ed. Pp. 114-23. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba. 1995.
- A Traditional Story of the Powhatan Indians Recorded in the Early Nineteenth Century. In Papers of the Twenty-third Algonquian Conference. William Cowan, ed. Pp. 234-43. Ottawa: Carleton University. 1992.
Puerto Rico
- Images of Empire: Popular Representations of the 1898 War. Latino(a) Research Review 5(1): 51-79. 2002.
History of Anthropology
- Cushing at Cornell: The Early Years of a Pioneering Anthropologist. In Histories of Anthropology Annual, volume 3. Regna Darnell and Frederic W. Gleach, eds. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Forthcoming 2007.
- Theory, Practice, Life: Rethinking Americanist Anthropology for the Twenty-First Century. Reviews in Anthropology 32(3): 191-205. 2003.
- Anthropological Professionalization and the Virginia Indians at the Turn of the Century. American Anthropologist 104(2): 499-507. 2002.
- A Rose by Any Other Name: Questions of Mockley Chronology. Journal of Middle Atlantic Archaeology 4: 85-98. 1988.
- A Working Projectile Point Classification for Central Virginia. Archaeological Society of Virginia Quarterly Bulletin 42(2): 80-120. 1987.
- The Prehistoric Indians of the Capital Region. In Parks, Preserves, and Rivers: A Guide to Outdoor Adventures in Virginia's Capital Region. Louise F. Burke and Keith F. Ready, eds. Pp. 52-60. Richmond: The Metropolitan Foundation. 1985.